By now you must have known how much I desire to be a journo. But I’m scared. I told you I feel I’m good enough but if you’ve noticed in my previous articles all that I’ve written about is CRICKET. Every Indian knows everything about cricket and I’m no different. Mr. Harsha Bhogle today hasn’t reached that position with just a lot of knowledge about cricket. He obviously has a fair knowledge about everything that’s making news. Those are signs of a good journalist. And now you know why I’m scared. I off course have the desire to improve. But “how?” is the million dollar question.
Am I thinking too much into my future? Should I just sit down and concentrate on my studies which would ultimately decide my future? Ummm...May be yes.
Okay Shruthi, stop dreaming, wake up now or else you will have to keep dreaming all your life. You don’t wanna regret in the future. It’s high time that you open your books and STUDY. Class 12 is the turning point of your life.
Was that boring? Let me know if you felt otherwise.