The honey bees are disappearing. Einstein said, “If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination, no more men!” That looks logical to some and nonsensical to others. No doubt, honey bees contribute to global food security. Many crops are dependent on insects for pollination. But the bees now are mysteriously disappearing. The only reason I knew for that was cell phone radiations. But recently I watched a documentary called “Vanishing of the bees” which rubbished claims of Electro Magnetic Radiations being the cause for such an adversity. The scientists in the documentary spoke about something called the CCD or the Colony Collapse Disorder. The bees, mind you, aren’t dying. Colonies of bees are simply DISAPPEARING in huge numbers. The reason behind it, most beekeepers believe, is the systemic seed treatment used for supposedly better produce in farming. Instead of spraying pesticides on the crops, companies inject pesticides in the seeds to be planted. When the bees were sent out in such treated farms they would seem “disoriented” and fall or lose their way back to their hives. A particular statement by a French beekeeper touched my heart. He said something similar to what Einstein said, “The future of the bee, like water and energy, will define the ability of man to live on this planet.” YES, this is the ecological imbalance of which I studied in text books and of which I’m being a silent witness today!
The facts shown in the documentary didn’t suffice me. I researched more and I found something that was more rational than bees being “tired”, “stressed out” or even “disoriented’. The reason, I found out, was what my initial intuition was – RADIATIONS. Bees like many insects have receptors to sense the Earth’s magnetic field and its variations. That is what directs their movement and survival. Man-made technology has changed the natural electromagnetic energies and forces on earth’s surface. One researcher states that Honey bees navigate by observing changes as small as 0.6% in the Earth's magnetic field. We are not talking such small figures here because the threat is not just the communications industry. The bigger threat on a global scale is the HAARP technology. HAARP not only affects the bees but the planet as a whole.
Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Project [HAARP], is officially a “basic research” facility to study the ionosphere. The ionosphere according to Wikipedia has practical importance because, among other functions, it influences radio propagation to distant places on the Earth. The HAARP is run by US Air Force, US Navy and researchers. First of all, why military? :O Located in Alaska, HAARP is spread over 80 acres of land with 180 towers. They comprise 360 antennas each generating 10 thousand watts. Meaning that, the HAARP station delivers a staggering 3.6 million watts! HAARP is listed under “unclassified’ research type.
The program purpose states that, “HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes”.
The ionopheric gases refract High frequency radio waves back to ground. The US military can potentially wage invisible wars. HAARP can cause catastrophic effects like volcanoes, earthquakes and hurricanes to name a few. There are theories that say it can also, gently put, fade away planes. Many have observed unnatural lights in the sky moments before Indonesian Tsunami, Earthquake in China and Tsunami again in Japan.
Check out:
Also note that there were no measures taken before any of these disasters. It caught the world off-guard.
More alarming consequence of the HAARP is the use of radiations to control minds of the masses. Long story put short, with the help of radiations they can actually create anxiety and fear on a global scale. Don’t believe what I say. Go ahead and research on this. Mind control is too vast a topic to explain in a blog post. I hope this would trigger some of you to research on these topics and become more aware of the happenings in the world and not take in everything the main stream media says. OMG!! I’m a “bad” journalist in the making :P
It may seem interesting as to why prophecies like ‘the end of the world in 2012’ are endorsed by mainstream media and Hollywood. Whereas, predictions that depict the brighter side of the same event are nudged away.
The bees are considered prophetic. They certainly have a message here. We should stop taking all the crap from world governments. They are not our masters. We cannot let someone take control of our lives. I don't remember writing articles about conspiracy theories. Looks like I should write more because there are so many individuals totally ignorant about such facts. This would perhaps lead to arguments and questions. What-else could I ask for!