Monday, November 28, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude

Life is beautiful, wonderful and blissful - as it is!

My creative writing teacher at college makes sure we pray and thank before and after class. A few of my friends think that she's trying to impose her Christian thoughts on us. But honestly, I think she's trying to instill in us a value we should have had by now – the Attitude of gratitude. Today I’d like to thank everyone who have made me what I am - parents, teachers, spiritual teachers, spiritual beings, friends, relatives, all loved ones, God or the Divine Providence, Universe. Every little thing has added up to the beauty of my life - the cup of tea I drink every morning, the old bike in which my dad drops me to the bus stop, the beautiful lake I see everyday, the trees that look so beautiful, the dog that follows me, the bird that chirps above my head, the sky that paints beauty, the air I breathe, the videos I watch, and the books I read. The list is never ending. Every time I thank someone, I feel happy from within. I'm grateful for everything I have. I'm grateful for my life :)
It is true, when we thank someone, a state of duality arises. A receiver and a giver arise. We give birth to ‘the other’.
All is one; thank the other. I don’t have a convincing answer for such a conflict.
Oh how I contradict myself! Deep within, I know that the attitude of gratitude brings me great joy. It makes me feel as though I'm one with everything around.

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