So I was making a little 'to do' list and it flashed to me that I should make a wish list too :) so I did it and I'm asking the universe to grant me everything I ask for! :D smart eh!
to my sister...
I love you the way you are - tender, loving, caring, kind, friendly, warm, smart, sometimes stupid and crazy!! Today, I feel like letting the world know how much I love you and how much you mean to me.
We have spent hours together; sometimes totally in love with the universe and sometimes cribbing about every li'l thing around. I don’t remember when we got so close; may be in one of our summer vacations together when we climbed trees and played hide and seek. I for one do not remember spending much time with you when granny was around. All I remember is that I envied you for the pretty dimple on your cheek!! What I can never forget is the time we spent together roaming the streets during high school and advising each other like we know the world. It happened quietly. There were things in you that mirrored me and in me that mirrored you. Perhaps, that is why we happen to jokingly call ourselves 'Soul Sisters'. Oh the many hours of laughter, non-stop talking, eating, sharing our thoughts and feelings, sharing happiness and love, updating each other about ourselves ever so often, bitching about others, gossiping as if it were very important, planning the future, going to the theatre, watching movies, pouring out our frustration, giving a shoulder when in need, spreading joy, making fun of people, clicking pictures, shopping, travelling, making grand plans, acting too cool, singing, dancing: that’s US.
We got so close because initially we shared the same interests – even now, deep within, we do. But we just don’t say we do. We end up liking the same thing when we go out shopping, we don’t take much time deciding what to gift someone because we pick up the exact same present. We love the idea of travelling far distances together…reading, listening to good music.
I still remember how we used to watch cricket together for hours. I remember how we used to discuss cricket trivia over phone for hours. I remember how we convinced our uncle to buy us tickets to watch a match together – just the two of us!
There are certain things that you understand without me having to tell you what it is. And there are other things that I tell you myself. There are a few things I prefer not to tell you and I end up hating myself for that. I sometimes think that you hypnotize me over phone because after talking to you everything seems so perfect that there was never a need to be wild and angry. Sometimes I offer you advise which you take with a smile. Even though we are ‘just cousins’ I don’t see the difference. We stay in different houses, a few kilometers away from each other but I don’t feel the gap. We meet almost every weekend or at least talk to each other for hours every other day. I don’t miss you sister because you are with me always. Thank you for being who you truly are and for giving me all that you have. Love you loads. Hugs.
P.S. I still envy that dimple on your cheek.
With Love,
your sister shruthi
Love has come to rule and transform; stay awake.
My creative writing teacher at college makes sure we pray and thank before and after class. A few of my friends think that she's trying to impose her Christian thoughts on us. But honestly, I think she's trying to instill in us a value we should have had by now – the Attitude of gratitude. Today I’d like to thank everyone who have made me what I am - parents, teachers, spiritual teachers, spiritual beings, friends, relatives, all loved ones, God or the Divine Providence, Universe. Every little thing has added up to the beauty of my life - the cup of tea I drink every morning, the old bike in which my dad drops me to the bus stop, the beautiful lake I see everyday, the trees that look so beautiful, the dog that follows me, the bird that chirps above my head, the sky that paints beauty, the air I breathe, the videos I watch, and the books I read. The list is never ending. Every time I thank someone, I feel happy from within. I'm grateful for everything I have. I'm grateful for my life :)
It is true, when we thank someone, a state of duality arises. A receiver and a giver arise. We give birth to ‘the other’.
All is one; thank the other. I don’t have a convincing answer for such a conflict.
Oh how I contradict myself! Deep within, I know that the attitude of gratitude brings me great joy. It makes me feel as though I'm one with everything around.
If Morpheus asked me that, I’d pretty much say the same thing as Neo. But not anymore. Now, things have changed – drastically! Just one incident changed the way I look at life and perceive it. I’m still fresh out of that incident and hence haven’t really found the right words to express my feelings.
I had been to Tumkur yesterday. My mother planned the trip suddenly and we left. On a different day I would have said “no” to the trip because it was a Sunday. But this time I agreed. We went to the hills there, to a temple, offered our prayers. We then suddenly decided to come back home in train. We went to the railway station at 3; the scheduled train at 4 was off. So we decided to take the train at 6 pm which was delayed by an hour and a half. Something unusual happened at 5:30. I saw a wandering monk. A simple Buddhist monk. I was drawn to talk to him. I knew I had to talk to him. Call it intuition if you may. He was 72 but he looked many years younger than that. He was a well-built doctor and knew 15 languages. He hailed from Sri Lanka. What was he doing in a remote village in Karnataka where there’s no monastery even. Lucky me eh? He spoke to me about Buddhism and his way of life. He gave me a few tips to grow healthy. He asked me to meditate. He spoke about walking meditation. He spoke about Goenka. He spoke to me about gain and loss, good-repute and ill-repute, praise and blame, joy and sorrow. I had a few questions for him regarding meditation, the Universe, Buddhism as a religion, kundalini, and the importance of a Guru, so on and so forth.
He constantly kept telling me that I should preach. He asked me to read as many books as I could and start preaching. He said that just within two minutes after meeting when I had virtually told him nothing about myself. The conversation lasted well over 2 hours. I’m not sure what I learnt from him. But I know I learnt a lot. I had many demons in my mind while talking to him. At the same time I knew I had to trust everything the universe has in store for me. It is foolish and ridiculous to believe that I’m in control of my life. Just take life as it comes. Just let it flow and be a witness of it all.
“Though Destiny a hundred times waylays you, in the end it pitches a tent for you in Heaven. It is God's loving kindness to terrify you, in order to lead you to His Kingdom of safety.” ―Rumi
What IS the Matrix?
The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
What Truth?
That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind.
Are you sure that the movie is FICTIONAL?? I mean seriously!! I can't believe I hadn't watched The Matrix till now. It is so profound and REAL. Thanks to my friend, I finally watched it. I have been feeling the pull toward that movie for a while now. Everything they say in it is so very true. If you haven't watched the movie. I think you should. Right now!
Morpheus tells Neo that no one can tell what the Matrix is. He gives Neo a choice between the red pill and the blue pill. One that would take him to the Truth and the other would hold him in the holographic world. We all have that choice in our hand. We can choose to live in the world we think is real or we can actually be the Truth and be in the light.
Remember The Oracle? Whom Morpheus believed to be true. I think it's representative of the so-called New Age movement right now! I think the Agents are a big part of this movement too. We can't fall prey to it again. We can't wake up into another dream. It can't keep happening. Why don't we understand that the Oracle is another construct. Remember what Einstein said - Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one. It is entirely up to us to decide. The Oracle gave Neo no choice. That's what today's world is about. There's apparently a choice in life. But there isn't. We all go to school, graduate and aim to achieve what counts to be success in the society. We are caught in earning money and seeking for power. It is a trap. By keeping us busy and focused on trivial things, they have kept our attention from the TRUTH.
"Do not try to bend the spoon — that's impossible. Instead, only try to realize the Truth: there is no spoon."
We are plugged into this virtual reality. It's time to unplug ourselves. I know it. But one line that Morpheus told Neo felt like a voice speaking to me: sooner or later you're going to realize, just as I did, that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path.
The sun never sets in the British Isles – every colonized countryman would know what that means. When the British came to India, we were many kingdoms much like in America where they had many tribes living in harmony to a certain extent. Of course, our history has deeper roots and our culture is older than any other if I may say so. Yes, we had our great battles. But we were a rich country. Rich in culture and heritage. They came here and ruled us as ONE country because it was easier for them to control. That’s pretty obvious?! Hold that thought for a second!
Now, let’s consider what brings the World together. Economics, food shortage, anything that affects a global populace like global warming and also these days it is the “war” on terrorism. Do you see anything in common in all these factors? I do. Negative vibrations, fear, anxiety, insecurity. Apparently, such negative vibes activate what is known as “mirror neurons” in our brain. What it does is…it connects people all over the world. The reason: sufferings. Global Warming has been one success story for people with vested interests. One thing’s for sure – there are people earning (making) hell a lot of money in the name of saving our planet…heard of carbon credits? :O For a matter of fact, there’s no man-made global warming as such. Well, yes the planet is warming up a little bit but the truth is we are not its culprit. Oops!! Did that shock you? Well, more than 700 scientists discredit man-made global warming fears. Looks like the doomsday has been cancelled eh? You can watch ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ for detailed explanation. It is one documentary that I really liked among the many many I watched on the subject. Now you know why the media concentrates on man-made global warming. What they exactly want is to spread fear. What they want is this:
They want us to be VERY WORRIED!
The Club of Rome: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
By creating a common enemy, a global enemy, they want to create “one world order”. It’d be so much easier to rule. My gut feeling is that by colonizing different parts of the world they started building a world to their likes long long ago. Let’s not fall prey to such false alarms. There’s nothing to be afraid of. Let’s liberate ourselves. Love will heal everything. Let there be light in the world.
The honey bees are disappearing. Einstein said, “If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. No more bees, no more pollination, no more men!” That looks logical to some and nonsensical to others. No doubt, honey bees contribute to global food security. Many crops are dependent on insects for pollination. But the bees now are mysteriously disappearing. The only reason I knew for that was cell phone radiations. But recently I watched a documentary called “Vanishing of the bees” which rubbished claims of Electro Magnetic Radiations being the cause for such an adversity. The scientists in the documentary spoke about something called the CCD or the Colony Collapse Disorder. The bees, mind you, aren’t dying. Colonies of bees are simply DISAPPEARING in huge numbers. The reason behind it, most beekeepers believe, is the systemic seed treatment used for supposedly better produce in farming. Instead of spraying pesticides on the crops, companies inject pesticides in the seeds to be planted. When the bees were sent out in such treated farms they would seem “disoriented” and fall or lose their way back to their hives. A particular statement by a French beekeeper touched my heart. He said something similar to what Einstein said, “The future of the bee, like water and energy, will define the ability of man to live on this planet.” YES, this is the ecological imbalance of which I studied in text books and of which I’m being a silent witness today!
The facts shown in the documentary didn’t suffice me. I researched more and I found something that was more rational than bees being “tired”, “stressed out” or even “disoriented’. The reason, I found out, was what my initial intuition was – RADIATIONS. Bees like many insects have receptors to sense the Earth’s magnetic field and its variations. That is what directs their movement and survival. Man-made technology has changed the natural electromagnetic energies and forces on earth’s surface. One researcher states that Honey bees navigate by observing changes as small as 0.6% in the Earth's magnetic field. We are not talking such small figures here because the threat is not just the communications industry. The bigger threat on a global scale is the HAARP technology. HAARP not only affects the bees but the planet as a whole.
Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Project [HAARP], is officially a “basic research” facility to study the ionosphere. The ionosphere according to Wikipedia has practical importance because, among other functions, it influences radio propagation to distant places on the Earth. The HAARP is run by US Air Force, US Navy and researchers. First of all, why military? :O Located in Alaska, HAARP is spread over 80 acres of land with 180 towers. They comprise 360 antennas each generating 10 thousand watts. Meaning that, the HAARP station delivers a staggering 3.6 million watts! HAARP is listed under “unclassified’ research type.
The program purpose states that, “HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes”.
The ionopheric gases refract High frequency radio waves back to ground. The US military can potentially wage invisible wars. HAARP can cause catastrophic effects like volcanoes, earthquakes and hurricanes to name a few. There are theories that say it can also, gently put, fade away planes. Many have observed unnatural lights in the sky moments before Indonesian Tsunami, Earthquake in China and Tsunami again in Japan.
Check out:
Also note that there were no measures taken before any of these disasters. It caught the world off-guard.
More alarming consequence of the HAARP is the use of radiations to control minds of the masses. Long story put short, with the help of radiations they can actually create anxiety and fear on a global scale. Don’t believe what I say. Go ahead and research on this. Mind control is too vast a topic to explain in a blog post. I hope this would trigger some of you to research on these topics and become more aware of the happenings in the world and not take in everything the main stream media says. OMG!! I’m a “bad” journalist in the making :P
It may seem interesting as to why prophecies like ‘the end of the world in 2012’ are endorsed by mainstream media and Hollywood. Whereas, predictions that depict the brighter side of the same event are nudged away.
The day of my exam, I would wake up with my stomach churning. Which led me to dream that my life would be so much better in a few years from now – no exams, ideal job and all that. But if you come to think, many adults today wake up everyday with the same feeling I had while going to the exam hall - still hoping for an ideal job; a day when everything will be alright because it ought to? No, No, No!! We are in our ideal state right now.
Within tears, find a hidden laughter;
seek treasure amid ruins, sincere one.
– Rumi
Nuclear war – the pressing issue of the day!?! One of the books I read as part of my syllabus at the university was Fate of the Earth by Jonathan Schell where he talks about a potential nuclear holocaust. He tries to scare the hell out of us and states that we are “doomed”. With a touch of sarcasm he says, when the entire human species is dying with you, it is not death after all. It will be the death of death and hence not death as we know it. That isn't true. When we come to the understanding that we are infinite awareness, there won't be any death. As pure consciousness, we have no death at all. Death is for the body mind. Well, the book communicates to us that we should awaken to the reality and stop being ignorant. Yes, the Satanic minds are working out their strategies. I have no clue as to how we could stop a nuclear blast. The bombs have been manufactured. Apparently, there are 30 nuclear bombs in our planet. Which means that this human body is not likely to have human experiences anymore – not in this planet. We might be born in Mars or some other galaxy. I rather think that a potential nuclear holocaust is a way to inflict fear in humanity. We can heal humanity if we replace fear with abundant love. All our worries are about the future. Never about the present. Because there just cannot be any worry in the present state of being. A simple way of shifting our focus from fear and anger to love is by accepting what is. Live for the moment. Live to enjoy every moment. You have, of course, heard the old saying - Live this day like it’s the last day of your life. Here it is – accept that this bodily experience is going to end sooner or later. Pray for a peaceful life. And make sure you have had the most amazing experiences living in this beautiful body of yours. Forget the nuclear war. Let’s liberate ourselves from negative thoughts and thereby liberating the world from negative effects. Let’s pray, meditate and spread love! _/|\_
The Native Americans have a saying: When we heal ourselves, we heal seven generations behind and seven generations ahead. We have the power in our hand. It is our choice.
Artist: Neil Hague
I haven’t posted in a while for a reason that is excusable – EXAM! :p
I wrote the most uninspiring literature paper of my life! And to my surprise, a very interesting Psychology paper. This is probably what the Greek called chiasmus. We covered the entire American Literature in “6” months. But all we were asked in our papers was some Wikipedia stuff. And I was thinking, Literature paper would be the most intellectually stimulating. As I was telling my classmates, I was actually hoping for a divine intervention while writing the exam. But the Divine spirit, as you may call it, backed off because the paper so didn’t deserve it.
As entire India was either “protesting” or “celebrating” in support of Anna Hazare, I was doing some pretty useful stuff.
1. Though all I did was help myself, I assume I can be of help to others in the future. I knew I had people waiting to help me. But I had never made up my mind to consciously receive the help universe wanted to offer me. Finally, I attended a Pranic healing workshop. Guess what, I’m a certified healer now. Yaaay!! :D In Pranic healing, we tap into the abundant energy/prana and heal the one in need. I was amazed to see how we could play with energy. Something intriguing happened to me during the two days of the workshop. While tapping into the Divine energy -- I felt like I belonged there. We all are God’s children, right? When I meditated there, I truly felt that I was God’s child. I could see that I was a beautiful little glowing light.
Every feeling and every thought of mine is very sacred according to me. And I believe it won’t remain sacred if I share everything. But it was a little different last weekend. I wanted to share a thing or two with my instructor. That I did. I hardly share anything willingly. If it’s a new person, it’ll take longer for me to even talk informally. My instructor had a positive aura about her. I always wanted to be as disciplined and as ethical as her. But somewhere it might have died down. I have no idea how to express this. I have no chord connected to her, but then I think…may be the Universe will hear me better when I shout out in this manner. All I can say is that I could see she was blessed. I could feel I was blessed. I’m sure you are blessed. If you don’t already know, now is the time! Say a prayer and utter aloud that you are blessed. I promise you’ll feel better no matter how good or bad your day was.
2. Who’s the greatest cricketer on Earth or Mars?
WoOo!! I made a Radio Documentary on the greatest cricketer on Earth and Mars. He was an excellent all rounder – a match winner – a true LEGEND! Sir Garfield Sobers. J The King of Cricket as he is known. Sir Gary has inspired me so so much. What I like about him the best is of course his free spirited nature. His hard work, his commitment and his discipline are inspiring. He was a true gentleman of the game. There seems to be so much to learn from him. 9000 runs at an average of 58, 265 wickets at an average of 33, and 121 catches – sometimes statistics don’t do justice to the talent, but here his numbers speak for themselves. No doubt, he’s a ‘Knight to Remember’.
Yes, you guessed it! This comes right after our nation ‘celebrated’ Independence Day. It has been 65 long years after the British left us on our own – we are now “Independent” or so they say and we believe it. Okay, here's a small activity for you. How many of you actually remember a few events or episodes from your childhood? If you do remember, take two minutes to check if the images of those events are vivid or not. So, do you believe that those events actually took place? I, for a matter of fact, don’t remember most of the happenings in my childhood. All I know about my childhood is what I have heard from my parents. And what I have thought about those narratives over the years. The processing and re-processing has helped me come to an understanding that these were the things that happened when I was a 6 year old or a 5 year old. Hence, it appears as if I remember it and I totally believe that I have experienced it. So is it reality or is it just what we believe to be true? Do you now agree that it is simply an illusion or could even be a delusion? – Well, I’m a psychology student and I have got an amazingly awesome teacher! \m/
The same I guess applies to the delusion we live in. The delusion being we are independent as a nation and hence are free as a nation.
1. Once every single person realizes that s/he is free, a country or a community with a shared identity can actually claim being free. It has to happen at an individual level for it to actually be seen on a large scale. Every drop of water that constitutes a large ocean counts, right?
2. We have taken it for granted that independence at a national level is same as freedom at an individual level. I’m afraid I have a different view point. We say India is a free nation. Free of what? Intruders? How can we be free as a nation when there are so many unaware minds full of intruding negative thoughts? Independence is only a notion. It is only a term; a label.
3. No man is free who is not master of himself said Epictetus. Being independent of thoughts and controlling our body-mind alone will lead us to the ultimate freedom. Free from all worries and free from the material world so to speak.
4. I now know that an organized life makes me feel good. So I have pointers in my article. This, I’m sure, will inspire you to do something as simple that brings you joy.
Old habits die hard. I get back to my normal style of writing. I wasn't in my best of moods on Independence Day. Yes, it means different things to different people and doesn't mean anything to a few. For me, it was a reminder of sorts. A reminder that independence is in the mind and isn't all that difficult to attain. But our conditioned mind, doesn't let us expand ourselves to the truth that we need to make an effort to consciously feel free. I always try and remember what Lao Tzu said - He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still.
Have I muddled and befuddled your well conditioned minds? (:P) Don't worry. Forget everything I said and find a place of quiet and stay silent - of noise and thoughts. Feel the abundance that life has got to offer!!
I often feel intimidated thinking of how much I ought to know in comparison to how little I know. People around me are experts in their own fields. I’m talking of 18-20 year olds, mind you. The command they have in their turf is commendable. There have been times when I have looked at all of them with such great awe. Even in a small group, I feel as though I'm miles behind. When I look at the whole world, I feel like a speck of dust – so little and insignificant...
In my peer group, as I see it, the bigheads try to put me down. True, I know so less about fashion, technology, sciences, math, literature; and they are sure to beat me in their backyard. I agree I’m a master of none. I sure want to learn the ways of the world. Ages ago I used to feel inferior, not any more. My luck, I take the other quite lightly and tend to look for humour in each person's busy doings (mine included); and there’s very little for me to worry about. But there is an aura about those smart alecks that is a bit turning off. At times, with knowledge comes the ‘I-know-it-all’ kind of an attitude – quite understandable that. When a person knows a particular subject in great depth, that person automatically begins to feel superior. But my dear reader, don't you think that there must also come humility with knowledge? Isn't it important to stay grounded? I have come across people who have actually told me that they know-it-all (using the exact same phrase). That's what made me think. Can knowledge be called knowledge when there's so much pride attached? Even the Tao Te Ching stresses on knowledge being gained with humility.
I found this beautiful and inspiring quote by Guruji that put tears in my eyes. Have a read.
"Knowledge is a burden
if it robs you of innocence.
Knowledge is a burden
if it is not integrated into life.
Knowledge is a burden
if it doesn't bring joy.
Knowledge is a burden
if it gives you an idea that you are wise.
Knowledge is a burden
if it doesn't set you free.
Knowledge is a burden
if it makes you feel you are special."
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Guruji