Sunday, July 17, 2011


Today, I was told by a friend that I look beautiful and lively.
Today, I was told by another friend that I look weak and dull.
Now you tell me dear readers - whom do I believe? Should I believe in anything at all?
As mentioned earlier in this blog, nothing is to be taken seriously - whether it's criticism or compliment.
Today, I could clearly see how the 'conditioned' world tries to trick us into all the trivialities and had a little laugh about it.
Today, my friends, I realized how caught up we are in this trivial world.
Today, I got to know what it takes to rise above all that.
Today, I'm happy for I know I can control my mind from running haywire.
Today, I realized how powerful I am.
It's time we all realized our POWER!!
Also, remember: with great power comes great responsibility!!

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