Monday, May 21, 2012

beyond the tenacious quest for enlightenment

I look around and all I see is pretense. where has the zest for life disappeared? There are people who pretend to be living, intelligent, spiritual, involved, responsible, happy, caring, religious, 'doing' philosophy, and there are others who put up an 'I dont care' attitude.
"The World is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real, because that's how powerful our minds are," they say.
'Get over it,' - I tell myself now 'Dont get caught in this bottomless pit.'
I desperately want to get over these seemingly intelligent questions like what is life? what it means to live? What is reality? what is truth - the larger truth? I have grown to despise and detest such questions. I'm longing to see the naked truth. The hidden Truth behind the beautiful masks. I feel numb and maladjusted to my environment. I hate myself to have been caught in the tenacious quest for enlightenment. To say I had a Buddha moment is different from actually having been through a Buddha moment. I curse the many days i spent reading spiritual texts and thinking that life here is temporary. I was stupid enough to believe I'll be jeevanmukt and that I don't have to worry about the happenings around me. By thinking that the world is an illusion, I was caught in another sort of illusion without even realizing. An illusion nonetheless. How frivolous could I have been... Today when I see the 'new agers' I loathe those fake smiles and words.
I hate myself for having broken down every line of poems and 'great' lines to make meaning out of them; to read the multiple texts that lay behind words; between lines...unwritten...forgotten perhaps...
Having lost all the innocence, I still sense a ray of hope in me. I might not like to be addressed  as Shakti or Spirit or Light, but I should admit I have learnt quite a bit along the journey. With these learnings I look forward to witness the rising horizon very soon. When? how? I have no clue.


Anonymous said...

This is what some call "spiritual depression" or the "kitchen-sink" period. Even though it's difficult, it's best not to give in to the negative mood. As they also say "small steps..."

Shruthi said...

I wonder if there can ever be something called 'spiritual depression.' Right now, negativity grips me tight if I attempt to do anything "spiritual".

Anonymous said...

"this too, shall pass. ."

Shruthi said...

I hope so...

Ganesh H S said...

When you get yourself involved in creating happiness to others through any social cause -
You will experience everything whatever you have read..

Shruthi said...

social cause. that's a catchy phrase.