Thursday, May 24, 2012

concord of mind

I see myself returning to what I was earlier. I can no longer fake peace. I can no longer fake smile. I was happy and satisfied when I was myself without having to worry about anyone or anything. I was so much happier when I could think freely without being called philosophical; when I could enjoy my walk without being called a zen practitioner; when I could have my say without having to attribute that thought to someone "great"; when I could read what I wanted without being called spiritual; when I could spread light and love without being called a "star-seed"; when I could appreciate things for what they were from a distance without the awareness of it being the "first step" to "enlightenment". I was happy the way I was: ignorant and easily pleased.
Things are not the same anymore. I don't intend to either DO philosophy or BE spiritual. I don't intend to look at the world through rose coloured glasses, nor do I intend to look at life through rainbow coloured eyes like many suggest.
There is a shift in the way i'm seeing things. I consider this to be a new beginning. All I want to do is breathe the air, drink the drink, share a smile and celebrate.

© Shilpa Nagraj


Worlds in Worlds said...

I share the same thoughts - your article has put it into words, and very precise and clear ones.

Shruthi said...

There are mirrors everywhere, aren't they? :)