Friday, October 18, 2013

Happy Mornings :)

happy mornings are those when the security guard says hi with a slant instead of the usual good morning madam as you enter office.
happy mornings are those when your bus overtakes the one you just missed.
happy mornings are those when you wake up smiling for reasons unknown.
happy mornings are those when your mom hands over a cup of tea when you've asked for coffee and you gulp it down without noticing a thing.
happy mornings are those when you feel you're under total control.
happy mornings are those when you share a laugh as soon as you come to work.
happy mornings are those when you think you'll write an article that'll be happily approved by everyone for the sheer quality of it :D
happy morning are those that remind you how blessed you are!
happy morning coffee at work!

happy morning people :)


svuc said...

Happy moments are those when you spend one or two minutes praying calmly before you start your day and it surely empowers you to manage the day to day routine with equanimity.


Shruthi said...

Sure :)
stop parenting on net :D