Sunday, February 6, 2011

Change in the name...

As Romeo says...what's in a name?
but as far as I'm concerned, everything is in the name.
When I first started blogging, I didn't know what to name my blog. Even now I can't think of a title which defines me and my blog and my writing. It's a hard thing. So I decided to erase the old title - 'PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN'. why? because I don't think there's a need to showcase my love for India. When I decided I'll change the name, I still didn't know what title I'll be giving my blog. Since it's a personal blog I came up with known terms like My passion, My Dreams, My Ideas....So I clubbed them and named it - My Ideas; My World; My Pride!
One might wonder...why semi colons and why exclamation at the end. semi colon often gives you enough time to reflect and the exclamatory mark shows how obsessed I am with myself. I'm sure many of you disliked the title...let me know why.

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